All posts tagged "балони"

epaselect epa07240844 Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome H. Powell announces the Fed's decision to raise interest rates by a quarter point at a news conference following a Federal Open Market Committee meeting in Washington, DC, USA, 19 December 2018. The move comes in spite of President Trump's public appeals for the central bank not to raise interest rates. Powell also said the Fed is projecting two more hikes in 2019.  EPA/JIM LO SCALZO

Федералният резерв на САЩ няма повече балони за надуване – предстои спукване на колосалния корпоративен дълг

O Noviniаприл 5, 2020

Чиновник на Калфин нарече протестиращите майки „кухи лейки“!

Валентин Георгиеваприл 7, 2016